Shipping and Delivery

After placing an order, you will be updated with a tracking number within 2 – 3 business days after which delivery will be done. Delivery takes about 5 – 15 business days depending on your location.  

Your tracking information may show the same status for 2 to 7 days until it is cleared and received by the last mile carrier in your country. Your tracking information will be updated regularly after. If there are any additional issues with your tracking after 10 days, please email us at

We not liable if the incorrect or missing shipping information is provided at checkout. We are not liable to refund or change the delivery address in such situations.

Please ensure all of your shipping details are 100% complete and correct before placing the order. If shipping information has been entered incorrectly, please contact us within 24 hours of placing your order at

Joodo Décor is responsible for delivering the item to the shipping address provided, we are not liable if the item is lost or stolen after the item has been delivered. Please ensure the delivery location is a safe environment.

Shipping time may vary due to product availability. We reserve the rights to cancel any orders that involve product availability in which the customers will be contacted.

Please note that we ship item within 2-3 business days which is the processing time. We have warehouses stocking our products at different locations for convenience so if your order contains multiple items which are housed in different locations you may receive the items separately. In this situation you will receive separate tracking numbers


Due to the COVID -19 pandemic, we are experiencing shipping delays with our shipping partners to some destinations. Shipments may take longer than the usual delivery time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.